Even though I don't hold high expectations from others I never fail to be disappointed by them.
It bothers me that there are things about my best friends that bother me.
Then again, there are a lot of things about myself that bother me, and I never fail to be disappointed by myself.
We all must work together to maintain a healthy degree of happiness.
Yet, I hurt others in indirect ways. I feel like I have very little control over this. In fact, from the earliest age + memories I can remember I have had a major guilt complex. I over-analyze every situation. Where others can see from the immediate vantage point of the self, I extend myself to impossible viewpoints; where others see a corner, I see the 3 sides it connects,; the 7 other points and emerge to the realization that there are indeed six sides and of course the cube exists in a plain of reality comprised of air, which is comprised of molecules....
"Please don't lose the lid
it's necessary socially
for helping out
with dinner."
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