when i was younger and first started blowing herb, the body was the scariest thing to me. the organic machine with its mechanisms...I pump my penis enough and white liquid is emitted...my stomach gets empty and food smells better and i salivate as I chew it and when I swallow my esophagus automatically makes the motions that will move the matter into another pit where acid is released in proportion to the food content and it will be repackaged another number of times and becomes processed into turd which i must deposit instinctively . . . & & & . walking would be quite the chore because of how aware of the processeses i would become . . . it would feel like will powered wired metal rods propelled by pulleys and released in rhythm.
even now can be pretty difficult to maintain eye contact with certain people esp. those whom you wouldn't want to know you're high.
i get hyp to the thickness of time.
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