

when i was younger and first started blowing herb, the body was the scariest thing to me.  the organic machine with its mechanisms...I pump my penis enough and white liquid is emitted...my stomach gets empty and food smells better and i salivate as I chew it and when I swallow my esophagus automatically makes the motions that will move the matter into another pit where acid is released in proportion to the food content and it will be repackaged another number of times and becomes processed into turd which i must deposit instinctively . . . & & & .  walking would be quite the chore because of how aware of the processeses i would become . . . it would feel like will powered wired metal rods propelled by pulleys and released in rhythm.

even now  can be pretty difficult to maintain eye contact with certain people esp. those whom you wouldn't want to know you're high.

i get hyp to the thickness of time.


*Never let a shirt get between you and an adventure.

*Don't do it for someone else.  Do it for you.

*Just because you are lying down doesn't mean that it's relaxing.

*Just because you are quiet doesn't mean that you are not on fire.

*You don't have to make money go around all the time.  The world goes around all the time. . . that's kind of stupid.

*Who cares which emotions are the most valid. Smiling makes you feel good.  Smile like a Gorilla.

*Don't forget:  no matter how oblivious or in denial one is towards it, everybody [every body] has a large stake/stock/social investment in the lubrication and smooth operating and functioning of this [this] machine.  Those with excessive money, perpetual smirks and hard-ons are particularly suspicious.

*TV ruined your life.  Don't say it didn't.  It did.

*Play the game.  Maintain the illusion.  Just know that you are doing such a thing and commit to playing a good game with objective illusions.

*Listen to a complete, objectionable, distasteful-to-your-own-glands stranger.  As you are listening, imagine that it is in fact you who is that person speaking to an alternate identity you are passively maintaining about things you know and think but didn't know or think you knew or thought.

*Do not believe in anybody who poses as any sort of religious/spiritual elite, esp. who advocates theirselves as such.  The spiritually elite would not need to put on a performance to convince anyone, least of all theirselves.  Mother Teresa was a sham & every TVangelist wants to be a President or live like one.  Even Gandhi was a pervert.

*Imagine a race lacking genitals.  Capitalism dies.


goklm - The Mean Sauce Of Being Alive

A man is crawling toward a window wall while 3 stories up.  He anoints himself with heavenly blossoms as he whispers sweet nothings into the wind.  He face the outside, in a certain direction, North East.  He kneels as if to whisper a sweet nothing prayer into the wind of his own armpit willow wheel.  He caresses with his nostril the empty void that is the air one bubble of nostril at a time.  He bows holy prostrate and removes a book from his cloak.  He produces a book of scriptures and kneeling and erect he closes his eyes as to pull himself to a inner horizon and make holy love to word-mules and chants a sweet private nimble humble mumble in the name of Eggs-caviar.  Like the book, he produces his member and begins arousing himself..in the name of Omni-tantric-Hinjab-Yoni-owning-dali-Leemra ski skank.


the synthesis of energy, unaware i was, that it was flowing through me
...i am neither here nor there or me

i was flowing through it it was i

i was not it

not that there was or wasn't

but there was and there wasn't and then there was and there wasn't and wasn't there was there . . ?

it had proved more seamless if he considered himself a camera-projector or a football. 

an electric breath shuddered:  it is
                                                the same lightning voice

heard the silence of what wasn't.

his mind felt clearer than usual

as he laid faced down into
the grass
he thought:
                 'this too shall pass'


I never want to be what I'm doing.


He's going to be a burnt out brainiac for life.


We have a reference point, but it's invisible.


the woman with the cock-eyed is staring at me . . . or is she?


more than ever i have become the theatre


it's hardly the time to notice these things
